Friday, August 5, 2011

Mystery Mitt-chine

Apparently in a post-Citizens United world, roving packs of corporate donors will congeal into existence only long enough to try to help Mittens buy the 2012 presidential election, then vanish like a fart in the wind.

Watchdog groups are demanding that state and federal officials investigate a $1 million donation from a mysterious firm to an independent political group backing Mitt Romney's campaign in order to determine whether it violates federal campaign laws.

In a letter to Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the Public Campaign Action Fund claims that the giant contribution to Super PAC "Restore Our Future" from the firm W Spann LLC is out of bounds. As first reported by NBC's Michale Isikoff, records show the firm was incorporated in the state in March and then dissolved in July with little apparent activity besides its donation and virtually no publicly available information on its owners.

"If Attorney General Biden doesn't act soon, Delaware is likely to turn into the Cayman Islands of political fundraising," David Donnelly, the group's national campaigns director, wrote. "This is just another avenue for wealthy donors and maybe even foreign interests to influence who wins and loses American elections."

Expect a lot more of this as corporate interests try to push donating as much money as possible into the system through as many means as possible.  Ideally for the corporations, another Supreme Court decision before the election that removed the rest of the nation's few remaining campaign finance laws would all but assure the complete corporate takeover of our political system.

Meanwhile, they'll continue to push the boundaries, especially in corporate-friendly states, to see what they can get away with under the current arrangement.

More than anything else, it's corporate money that is ruining our political system.

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