Thursday, August 11, 2011

News Flash: Meghan McCain Is A Republican

So why is anyone surprised she's dumping on President Obama?

Three years later, we’ve traded hope and unity for not only for politics as usual in Washington, but for something far worse. We’ve entered a new chapter in government selfishness, new levels of disillusionment and public distrust of elected officials, something that the Twitter world has dubbed the “Obamaclypse” or “Barackalypse.” The month of August has been dogged with an onslaught of news regarding the economy starting with the debt ceiling fiasco. Standard & Poor’s downgraded our government’s credit rating. And the DOW tumbled more than 600 points, making it the worst drop in the stock market since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008. My anxiety, along with so many others in my generation, continues to grow because we will bear the burden from all of this that may or may not be something that is solvable in my lifetime.
Remember, we were the ones who witnessed Columbine and Sept. 11, but even in the darkest times, there always seemed to be hope lingering in the horizon. For the first time in my lifetime, the future just looks grim. The baby boomers have dropped the ball on their burden of responsibility. It’s not simply that our economy seems to continue to spiral into recession. Washington is a complete mess. It’s become a venue for partisan bickering, where the needs of the working class just don’t matter. I am worried we are reaching some kind of breaking point when it comes to not only Americans but young Americans.

Tea Party using government to club hope and Meghan McCain's generation (and mine) into the ground?  Yeah, all Obama's fault. Number of times she mentions Republicans, GOP, or Tea Party in her little tantrum wondering America sucks right now?  Zero.

I'd say she was auditioning for Jane Hamsher at FireDogLake, but she's at the Daily Beast already and at least they have a snappier website.

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