Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Re-Birther Of The Uncool

Remember how I said several months ago that hardcore Birthers obsessed with President Obama being "born in Kenya" would never believe his birth certificate because birtherism is a proxy for racism?

But this is one of those situations where all the logic in the world won't help:  racist assholes will get their dog whistle "He's not one of us and you'll never convince me otherwise" issue no matter what Obama releases, and our stupid, irresponsible media will continue to treat their "concerns" about the President's past as a "real story that real Americans care about" rather than admit it's nothing more than idiotic, racist bullshit...because doing so would mean the Village press would have to admit their complicity in selling it to millions of Americans.

Well, guess what?

Welcome back to the birther debate, courtesy of Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI).

Walberg took questions about Obama's long-form certificate at town hall in Adrian, MI last Thursday. From the Adrian Daily Telegram (emphasis added):

Responding to two questioners who brought up the issue of Obama's birth place, Walberg did not tell the questioners that the issue had been settled by Obama when he released his birth certificate in April. 
"Regardless of whether the license that he showed is true or fake, I've not seen it other than what was portrayed in the news. The House is controlled by the majority party being the Republicans, the Senate by the Democrats, the attorney general by the Democrats. That's the answer. One and a half years. One and a half years. That's when we do the do-over," Walberg said.
That sounds like he's suggesting a Republican-led Dept. of Justice would treat the Obama birth certificate issue differently than the current one, and suggests he thinks the there's still more investigating to be done. Walberg's office did not respond to a request for clarification from TPM Tuesday.

Let me repeat this:  the birther nonsense will almost certainly continue into 2012.  The excuse of "We have to get rid of the Democrats because they're covering for the President's obviously fake birth certificate!" will be used pretty much in every marginally competitive effort to unseat a Democratic incumbent in 2012.  If you honestly thought that by releasing it that it would be the end of the birthers, we've all got another thing coming.

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