Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Is What I'm Talking About

President Obama smacked the GOP upside the head with a big, big metal gauntlet in Iowa yesterday:

In response to a question at a town hall in Decorah, Iowa, Monday evening, President Obama said that when Congress returns in September, "I'll be putting forward...a very specific plan to boost the economy, to create jobs and to control our deficit. And my attitude is get it done.

"And if they don't get it done," he continued, "then we'll be running against a Congress that isn't doing anything for the American people and the choice will be very stark and very clear."

This is exactly what the President and Democrats need to be doing:  put a concrete jobs bill on the table and dare the GOP to block it. Then when they do -- because they absolutely will block it --  tell the truth: that the GOP would rather make sure the economy continues to falter so they can attack the President rather than help the tens of millions of unemployed.

This, this, a thousand times this.

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