Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why The Browser Wars Matter

There has been a lot of mention of browsers lately.  A rumor came out that Internet Explorer users weren't as bright as people who used other browsers.  Firefox has cleaned up their bloat in response to user complaints.  Google Chrome has brought out a series of improvements that makes full use of their integration potential.  Internet Explorer has finally responded to feedback and brought IE up to snuff.

But why is it such a big deal?

The transfer to cloud computing is the reason.  Eventually our devices will have little onboard memory and the focus will be purely on moving data.  Our files, our work, our hobbies and notes will be stored with multiple cloud service providers, from Google Docs to Dropbox.  Your web browser is the gateway to all cloud functions, and industry leaders know that is more important than proprietary programs.  This is the beginning of a shift in how we use computers, and the leaders are struggling to keep (or improve) their ranking.  Developers will flock to the winner and runner-up, all others may not survive the long run.

For what it's worth, I'm betting on Chrome and Firefox, but we'll see.

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