Sunday, September 25, 2011

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

I'm trying to figure out how former Gore operative Bill Galston's piece in TNR this weekend is constructive in any way in helping the Dems win in 2012, but it appears to be one big long string of whining.

If you don’t think ideological perceptions matter in American politics, you need read no further. If you do and you’re a Democrat, there’s something to worry about. Even as the terms of the political debate in Washington, in the eyes of many Democrats, have moved steadily to the right, the electorate is increasingly likely to see itself as ideologically closer to the Republican Party than to Democrats. Unless Obama and Democrats can find a solution to this riddle—and find one fast—they will be contesting the 2012 election on forbidding terrain.

Galston goes on to say that independents are moving closer to the GOP, Obama is losing the base going after them...but then says Obama has no choice but to pursue what little ideological middle is left or the GOP wins.  You know what argument is coming next:

In the face of widespread skepticism and disillusion, it will be an uphill battle for Democrats to persuade key voting blocks that government can really make their lives better. But if they fail, the public will continue to equate public spending with waste, the anti-government message will continue to resonate, and Democrats will be in dire straits when heading into what is shaping up as a pivotal election.

Go after the center, tell the base to eat it and get with the program or we're all screwed.  And if President Obama can't USE BULLY PULPIT to get it done, it's all his fault.   I was wondering how long it would take to see the Hippie Punching For Political Fun And Profit argument again.  Galston even admits that Hippie Punching doesn't work, but has nothing really substantive to say other than "Obama better figure this out."

Way to go, slugger.  What impressive advice THAT is.

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