Thursday, September 8, 2011

Orange Julius, Green With Envy

It seems John Boehner is a little out of sorts this evening as the President's speech is coming up tonight.

Answering questions Thursday morning about the lack of a Republican response to President Obama’s jobs speech, House Speaker John Boehner said the American people should not be forced to watch politicians — and most of them would rather see tackling than spinning.

“Listen, this is not a State of the Union address,” said Boehner during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol. ”The American people shouldn’t be forced to watch some politician they don’t want to listen to and frankly, most of them would rather watch a football game.”

Right. Orange Julius spends 8 months doing nothing about jobs except releasing a 12 page Powerpoint presentation and creating a grand total of zero actual jobs, complains that government can't create jobs, and then spends the same 8 months asking President Obama why he hasn't created 8 million jobs lost due to the Bush crash because jobs are the most important thing to the American people.  Now the President is about to release his jobs program proposals and Republicans are completely ignoring it, because America doesn't care about President Obama creating jobs, they just want to watch football.

Meanwhile, the GOP came up with a jobs program in the last couple of hours.  Amanda Terkel:

"Now the White House is calling for an extension when there have been no signs that the temporary measure worked in the first place," the GOP talking points state. "While it's always a net positive to let taxpayers keep more of what they earn, not all relief is created equal for the purpose of helping to get the economy moving again."

That's right, Republicans are against any tax cut Obama wants, especially one that would help American workers.  Douchebags.

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