Monday, September 12, 2011

Pure Virgin BS

This has me so angry that I lost sleep over it.  A lot of sleep, I've mulled this over for a while now.

(CNN) -- Back in March, Amnesty International began reporting that the Egyptian military had subjected 17 women protesters at a Tahrir Square demonstration to "virginity tests." The women told Amnesty that they had been handcuffed and beaten, stripped searched and photographed by male soldiers, then restrained by female soldiers while a man in a white coat performed a virginity check.

The military denied the accusations, but in the past few days, a senior general has confirmed to CNN that indeed, the virginity tests happened. The general justified the abuse by saying these women "were not like your daughter or mine. These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters."

The general went on to insist that the tests were necessary because "we didn't want (the women) to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove they weren't virgins in the first place."

So what, women who aren't virgins can be raped without consequence? I don't think the protesters were trying to be caught so they could level charges at the controllers. This was an assault under a barely-there disguise of self-protection. If you don't want to be charged, how about refusing to treat them like animals? I know that would get in the way of the stripping and searching and beating, but still.

Forcibly checked for virginity, not to protect them but to condemn them. These women weren't like your daughters, they were the Other Type, the type of woman who can be treated like a dog but who cares? They clearly brought this on themselves by thinking for themselves and protesting. Even camping with men, because we all know women can't be in a group without being overcome and putting out for every male within sight.

Seriously, this makes me sick. I think these guys should go through a cavity search to make sure they didn't hide film of illegally beating and raping women. Now there's a plan.

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