Wednesday, September 7, 2011

They Don't Need No Education

In a moment of total hypocrisy, Michele Bachmann says she would consider doing away with the Department of Education.  According to her, that is government intrusion into something that "the Constitution does not specifically enumerate nor does it give to the federal government the role and duty to superintend over education that historically has been held by the parents and by local communities and by state governments."  Then she goes off on a token "blah blah OBAMACARE blah blah" rant that was purely manufactured BS on her part.

The kicker?  She was asked about abortion.  Little Miss "government shouldn't control what isn't in the Constitution" flipped at that point.  When it comes to a woman's choice about her body, Bachmann folded like Superman on laundry day, and said she would do everything in her power to restrict abortions.  Just like that.  How our kids are taught should be left up to the small government.  The reproductive choice of millions of women is up to Michele Bachmann.  And the little twit still doesn't understand the concept of choice or freedom, as she illustrates with this little nugget of dumb.  Like with the rest of the Tea Party, your choices only matter when it fits their plan for how you should live.  If you dare believe differently, you don't deserve protection by law. The only choices you should have are the ones they give you.

This piece of fluff has no right talking about leadership.  She is just another brainless puppet spouting rhetoric without depth or meaning.  She should be ashamed of herself, but she lost her shame right along with her credibility.  

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