Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Don't Need No Education...

We just need her thought control.

Painting herself as a "constitutional conservative" Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint's forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things.

"Because the Constitution does not specifically enumerate nor does it give to the federal government the role and duty to superintend over education that historically has been held by the parents and by local communities and by state governments," she said, responding to a question by DeMint, a popular figure among the tea party movement.

Another item on the chopping block: The Affordable Care Act.

People "see that the current government is acting outside the bounds of the constitution. Probably the most obvious would be this, Obamacare and the individual mandate that is unconstitutional and is currently contained in Obamacare," she said.

Throughout the question and answer, Bachmann highlighted her understanding of the Constitution and the need to return to a limited federal government.

"And when I'm working with the Congress of the United States, my guiding principle will be that the government works best when it acts within the limitations of the Constitution," she said. "The current president of the United States has failed to demonstrate an understanding."

For her next trick, after getting rid of corporate taxes and the federal government, Michele Bachmann will just get rid of America, period.  The resulting city-states will squabble among themselves for resources, but wars will mostly be prevented by regularly held Olympic contests.

Preferably ones near large pits you can kick Persian diplomats into.

I had no idea Bachmann was running on the Hunger Games ticket.

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