Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We'd Like To Have A Couple Words With You, Mr. President

And those words are "minority unemployment crisis".

The chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and of the three caucuses of black, Hispanic and Asian members of the House would like a word with President Obama before his Thursday jobs address.

In a Tuesday letter provided by a source, the leaders, who speak for a majority of House Dems, sought to make sure that Obama keeps his eye on the jobs crisis, which has disproportionately hit minority groups.

"With unemployment at 9.1% nationally-- approaching 12% in the Hispanic community, 16.7% in the African American community and with Asian American and Pacific Islanders remaining unemployed for longer periods than any other group-- we are in a national crisis. We have learned throughout American history that big, bold action is required to put people back to work and promote economic growth," the chairs write. "The chairs of the CBC, CAPAC, CPC, and CHC look forward to an opportunity to talk with you about proposals we would like you to consider before you address the nation this week."

With news that the President will propose a $300 billion jobs package including aid to states, tax cuts, and infrastructure projects, I'm hoping a project like this will be able to turn the country around.  But Republicans will do everything to stop this proposal dead in its tracks.  The real question is whether or not the GOP will be made to pay any political price at all for killing this, because this will never survive the House.

I do have to say this is the kind of thing I was calling for, a mixture of executive branch initiatives and legislative aid.  Something will be done at some point, but the question is what will be left from the ashes after the Republicans burn this jobs package down and how much will it really help?

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