Friday, October 28, 2011

The Hillary Wedge

It's really kind of sad how desperately the media wants there to be a huge split between Hillary Clinton and President Obama for them to cover, so apparently they'll do anything to "make" it happen.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would trounce Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney in hypothetical head-to-head matchups for the presidency, a new poll shows.

Clinton would beat former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by 17 points, 55 percent-38 percent, according to Time magazine. And the former first lady would blow away Texas Gov. Rick Perry by 26 points, 58 percent-32 percent.

In contrast, that same poll shows that Obama leads Romney by only 3 percentage points and Perry by 12 points.

The Secretary of State has repeatedly said “no” when asked whether she would run for president, in 2012 or 2016. Asked on NBC’s “Today” two weeks ago whether she would consider running for president again, Clinton said unequivocally, “no.”

So of course the only people that the Village wants to see in the race more than Chris Christie is Hillary. And they'll continue to try to divide and depress the Democrats until the schism actually happens (Oh, and as a bonus, their corporate masters in the GOP win power.)

More and more our political media tries to create the story, not report it.  The companies that own them want their money's worth.  That's not how the country should work, but what do I know, I'm just a dirty effin' hippie blogger.

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