Friday, October 7, 2011

Last Call

The Republican party's constant projection of their leadership's faults onto President Obama knows no limits or boundaries.  If you ever hear Orange Julius accusing President Obama of doing anything, it's a sure bet that Boehner is hiding his own massive failures.  For example:

House Speaker John Boehner accused President Obama of giving up on governing the country at a dangerous economic time to focus on campaigning for re-election.

Interviewed by Major Garrett of National Journal on the second day of the Washington Ideas Forum, Boehner said he hoped someone would ask Obama at his news conference Thursday, "Mr. President, why have you given up on the country and decided to campaign full time?"

"Nothing has disappointed me more than what has happened in the last five weeks," Boehner returned to this point later in the interview. "To watch the president of the United States give up on governing, give up on leading and just spend time campaigning."

"We're legislating. He's campaigning. It's very disappointing," he said.

Number of jobs bills Republicans have presented?  Zero.  Number of federal abortion bills presented?  Thirteen.  Yep, they're legislating alright:  legislating tax cuts for the wealthy, legislating rolling back civil rights, legislating what a woman can do with her uterus, and not legislating help for the millions of unemployed Americans out there.

The notion that House Republicans have done anything at all to help America at all right now is laughable.  Boehner is an embarrassment to the country, and all he can do is attack the President.

What a buffoon.

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