Friday, October 14, 2011

McCain's Billions And Billions And Zero Plan

As Greg Sargent points out there's literally no amount of compromise that President Obama can make that will be acceptable to Republicans short of his resignation from office, and Sen. John McCain is at the head of that particular train of sore loser goalpost-shifters.  McCain on FOX yesterday introducing his new "jobs bill":

We have a plan and we’ll have almost all of the Republican Senators behind it. And if [Obama] wants to bring up a piece of his proposed plan, we’ll bring up a piece of ours.
We’d love to see, for example, a vote in the United States Senate on a moratorium on Federal regulations, which are coming out by the thousands, costing businesses billions and billions of jobs. We’d love to see a vote on that. But it will be interesting to see if the Majority Leader will allow it.

And yes, he actually said Obama was costing America "billions and billions of jobs" and wants a complete moratorium on federal regulations (he can't even get his talking points straight.) In other words, McCain wants Obama to stop being President until further notice.  It doesn't matter what the President does for the economy, it doesn't matter what he proposes, it doesn't matter how many business roundtables or Silicon Valley town hall meetings he holds, Republicans are going to say he hates business and the proof is he won't give them 100% free reign to pillage the serfs like Republicans demand.

And yes, this means "centrist" McCain is now using the Rand Paul playbook.

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