Monday, October 3, 2011

Microsoft Plays Dirty Again

This is from

MICROSOFT loves blocking or suppressing GNU/Linux installations, typically using a process it keeps describing as a feature. Microsoft has been sabotaging the MBR using the excuses that it is hard to support it (funny how one or two GRUB developers can handle it just fine). There is antitrust evidence about it going decades back and there there is the war on fast booting systems and battles against Linux using VM restrictions (fighting Linux with a Windows EULA). We have covered many such examples, even those that extend to ACPI.
This has existed for a while, what may be changing is that Microsoft wants in enabled on every computer that is pre-loaded with Windows 8.  It is sure to draw fierce opposition, and may actually backfire in a loss of sales from customers who would run a multi-OS setup.  I'm not worried yet, because a lot of things would have to pass before this becomes a reality, and Microsoft has been shot down by anti-trust measures in the past.  It's no less aggravating that to promote a supposedly optional feature they would try to choke all competition.

This is the type of asshattery that Microsoft is famous for, and is likely to be their undoing in the end.  Taking measures like this is like a press release saying the growth of other operating systems has them concerned, and in the end their concern for customers has forced them to remove all other choices.  They have no facts or reasons outside of their own interests, but they'll kill competition so they can look out for the ignorant who rely on them.

Holy cow.  Sounding an awful lot like Tea Party bullshit to me.

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