Friday, October 28, 2011

O Canada, Thou Art So Bland

Canadians aren't known for being wild to begin with (unless you count Alanis Morissette, but then again she left for a reason).  Still, two elementary schools have taken boring to another level, saying kids can only come to school wearing "caring" costumes at Halloween.

CALGARY — Children wanting to wear scary, violent or blood-drenched costumes will have to trade them in for more caring and community friendly outfits at two public elementary schools this Halloween.

The principal of Colonel Walker and Ramsay schools said her staff has chosen to use the day normally known for scares and frights as an opportunity to teach community values.

But some parents say it’s political correctness gone too far.
Teachers say they want to be considerate concerning other cultures that don't celebrate Halloween.  Bullshit, by dear.  By that reasoning  you wouldn't celebrate any holidays, because there is always a section of the public that chooses not to.  How about teaching the historical significance of the holiday, and the many cultures that do celebrate it (and why they do it differently)?  What is the wrong with a little safe roleplay and candy?


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