Saturday, October 1, 2011

Obama To Address Gay & Lesbian Activists

Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address Saturday to a gathering of gay and lesbian activists, a key constituency that hasn't always been receptive to the president's policies and style of leadership.

Supporters say Obama's accomplishments on gay rights issues have been substantial since he last headlined the annual National Dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, in 2009, including the repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. However, his lack of support for gay marriage still stands out as a snub for many.

Obama currently supports same-sex civil unions, and has said his views on gay marriage are "evolving." He recently announced his support of the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, a 1996 law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman.

Obama had his hands full, and he has done more good for this direction than any in history. It's not enough, but because he has had so much on his plate I'm pleased that he is giving this his consideration. I'm still awaiting reports of how it went, but I will follow up as soon as possible.

If I could give Obama a theme for 2012 it would be "Let Me Finish"... maybe he is finally getting around to this because it's time, maybe not doing any harm was the best he had at a time when his every word was twisted and used against him.  He still has to be careful about his words because this is such a sensitive subject, but I hope he comes out with a more receptive message.  Of course, compared to the GOP treatment of gays, he could hardly do worse for himself.

I think he deserves the praise for his actions and the benefit of the doubt because even if he's slow, he can't do everything right away.

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