Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Does Many Favors

Some have condemned the protesters, others have cheered them on.  I'm definitely one of the latter, and while we have gone over the pros and cons from the fallout, there is one final "thank you" that we owe to the OWS movement.  They are forcing key GOP players to admit they will support corporate powerhouses above the people they swear to serve.  Actions speak louder than words, and when the voting majority settles down and people start asking questions, it will be clear who spoke on behalf of the people and who just pretended to.  The mask is slipping and the crazy is showing through - the Tea Party idiots are starting to leave a trail of hypocrisy that is easy to follow.

This Nancy Pelosi slam dunk comes from a recent CNN article:

The California Democrat was asked about a remark by her colleague across the aisle Rep. Eric Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House, that he was concerned about "growing mobs" who were "pitting ... Americans against Americans."

"I didn't hear him say anything when the tea party was out demonstrating, actually spitting on members of Congress right here in the Capitol, and he and his colleagues were putting signs in the windows encouraging them," Pelosi said.

The fact that folks have spoken out about GOP stupidity is not new, what has changed is that they have so much to work with now that they can find a subject for anyone's hot button.  The tide is changing, and people are getting angry.  Failing to recognize that and chasing the dollar will get Tea Party members what they deserve - our disgust and mistrust.  I know time flies, but it seems they may self-destruct before they get a chance to do much more harm.

On the other side of the coin, we have Herman Cain spewing rhetoric that makes no sense.  He denies anything was wrong before Obama took over the country, and makes himself a fool by trying to pin it on  our current president:

"The proof is quite simply the bankers and the people on Wall Street didn't write these failed policies of the Obama administration. They didn't spend a trillion dollars that didn't work. The administration and the Democrats spent a trillion dollars," Cain said. Citing the president's new jobs bill, Cain added that the "administration is proposing another $450 billion wrapped in different rhetoric. So it's a distraction, so many people won't focus on the failed policies of this administration."

If he can call this a distraction with a straight face, not only is he irony-deaf but he's just plain wrong. The bankers didn't write the policies, but that didn't stop them from sticking it to us at every turn, and when faced with the consequences they turned on their customers and refused to take responsibility. Wall Street not responsible for even a tiny part of our current crisis? Are you kidding me? The good news is, Cain has shamelessly sold out his fellow citizens time and again for business. If he becomes a serious contender there is so much verbal ammunition to use against him that I'm not even worried. His own comments show him to be ignorant of what life is like for most Americans, and his "let them eat cake" attitude wins no favors with those who cannot afford cake. Calling a peaceful assembly by people who want government change "anti-American" also shows his grasp of American history and principles is fundamentally flawed. To be blunt, Herman Cain is a blowhard asshole and does not deserve our respect.

Exposing the Tea Party is worth the price these brave protesters are paying. I salute them for their bravery, and plan to take part in our local movement to do my share. It's making the Tea Party go on the record and give their opponents the quotes and actions to illustrate what they really are: the face of American greed.

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