Thursday, October 27, 2011


A new tag for an emerging problem.  It seems some people are confused about what it means to be responsible for their children, and who is responsible for the kids when they are out of sight (hint: it's still you, dummy).

Police have received multiple complaints from parents saying their children owe money after placing bets.

There have also been reports of money, DVDs and PlayStation games going missing from homes to pay off debts.

Police are taking action over growing fears that children could be pushed into shoplifting or fights.

Letters warning about the dangers of gambling have been sent to parents through Mayflower Primary School.

He said on dry evenings groups of up to 40 people aged from five to teenagers have been gathering around drains to play Pits.

The game involves lifting the covers on water meters outside properties and flicking marbles into the hole.

"Over recent weeks we have been approached by parents telling us that their kids are asking for money to pay back debts owed to other children," PCSO Amador continued. "I have also heard that money has been taken out of purses and things round the house have gone missing like DVDs and Playstation games."

He said officers have been told of several children, as young as seven, owing £20 or £30 to other children.
Blink. Think. Read it again. That's right, kids as young as five years old are racking up gambling debts.  Parents are worried?  How about not letting your kindergarten aged child wander the streets and be taken in by this type of scam?  I cannot imagine my little nephew being out of sight for more than five minutes at that age, let alone enough time to fall prey to other kids trying to scam his money.  The blame doesn't belong to the kids, it belongs to the idiotic parents of all kids involved.

He also asked parents to visit the following websites: and
Great idea.  While they do that, I'm going to recommend they go to and see if the results are helpful.


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