Monday, October 24, 2011

Super (Volunteer) Troopers

Yet another result of the financial crisis and the Republican austerity wave at the state level:  triple the number of volunteer cops and for the first time in 25 years, the number of actual cops is now decreasing in America.

Volunteer civilians are increasingly filling police roles and nearly 12,000 police officers and sheriff’s deputies will be laid off by the end of the year as local law enforcement agencies deal with budget cuts, according to a new report from DOJ’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. The study also shows the first-ever national decrease in law enforcement positions in the 25 years they’ve been collecting data.

“Across the country, mayors, sheriffs, and chiefs have been asked - not only to do more with less - but also to make painful budgetary cuts,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a speech on Monday. “According to a new economic outlook report that our COPS office released this week - we expect that, by the end of this year, nearly 12,000 police officers and sheriff’s deputies will have been laid off.”

And the reason why is that Bush bailed the banks out before he left office, broke the economy, and Republicans are blocking any and all efforts to make either the banks or the super rich help the rest of us out.   They scream "WE'RE BROKE!"  Raise taxes then.  Reagan did it.  Twice.  So did Bush 41.  So did Clinton.  We balanced the budget as a result.  Then Bush 43 came along.

Now he and his buddies wrecked the economy and we can't even afford cops.  The GOP plan?  Lay off these "evil government parasites" and then blame Occupy Wall Street for crime (which is complete horsecrap by the way.)

Welcome to GOP corporate America.  Hope you can afford your own public safety services.

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