Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bachmann and Cain: Here's A Hint

Herman Cain said he believed the sexual harassment charges against him may have been racially motivated.  Now Michele Bachmann says she was shown bias because she's a woman on the Republican ticket (all together now: DUH).

Or maybe it's because they're a couple of assholes.  I'm just saying that's what it sure looks like to me.  I personally don't despise Cain because of his race.  It's more because when he is quizzed on Libya he dodges answering with a no-brainer statement: "I got all this stuff twirling around in my head." Arianna Huffington brilliantly labels this as the campaign trail equivalent of "the dog ate my homework."  Maybe that's our problem, because the Democrats who see through his stupidity and bluster are fully supportive of Obama, who happens to be black but makes a hell of  a lot of sense, and doesn't tell us what's twirling in his head. 

Bachmann earned my wrath when she declared war on the Department of Education.  If she cares about equality for women, she sure has a funny way of showing it with her views on women's health care, and our insurance options.  If you don't meet Bachmann's view of correct, you are shit on the heel of her expensive leather shoe.  And that seems to make up most of the people she claims to want to represent.  You know, the poor people that she and Cain both disdain and work to keep down so the upper crust remains... well, crusty.

Please, for the love of doughnuts, don't let these two idiots turn fact checking into discrimination.  The reality is, they're both unworthy of the title they seek, and give the voters credit for seeing through it.

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