Monday, November 7, 2011

Back To The Empty Well

Who says that conservatives don't recycle?

Apparently the Big Idea for defeating the President in 2012 is trying the exact same strategy that failed in 2007 and 2008 by pulling up Obama ads from 2004 for "new material" to show that President Obama doesn't have any new material in 2012.  You get all that?  Good.  Seems the alarm's being sent out to reactivate the Hillary Clinton Irregulars in the name of party purity and demoralization of the Dems, and...well, Obama 2004 = Obama 2012, or something.

No really, that's the entire plan.  Take it away, Daily Caller!

A rediscovered video from Barack Obama’s 2004 Senate race shows him road-testing his current rhetorical techniques, pitching far-left policies, and depicting business and the marketplace as negative forces.
“We all have a set of mutual obligations towards each other — we are our brother’s keeper, we are our sister’s keeper — and that those mutual obligations have to express themselves through government policies,” he said at the tail end of a soft-focus, five-minute autobiographical video entitled “Introducing Barack Obama” that he released during his 2004 campaign for U.S. Senate.
They’re “the kind of values that I’ve been trying to promote through my career,” he says.
Obama won the primary in a landslide. He easily won the 2004 election against a weak GOP opponent, after his main GOP rival quit the race when a Democratic-appointed judge unsealed damaging divorce testimony.
The 2004 video also showcases several recurring features of Obama’s speeches — his use of the passive tense to glide past controversial issues, his passive-aggressive portrayal of himself as the reasonable moderate among extremists, and his promises of benefits without costs.
Yeah, I like how it was "rediscovered" just like it was trapped in amber, mined out of a Costa Rican jungle and scientists had to painstakingly reconstruct the data bits using spare processing power from Google's server farm.  (They filled in the lost sequences with frog DNA.)

The larger problem of course is right now this is all the Right Wing Noise Machine has: dragging up US Senate candidate Obama's videos from back then to prove he's got nothing "fresh and new" now, in a weak effort to try to demoralize Dem voters with cries of OBAMA FAILED YOU, STAY HOME IN 2012!

Of course it also re-engages the PUMA forces, eager to refight the lost battles of 2007 and 2008 so they can do the right's work for them.  They're more than happy to take up that banner once again.  It worked so well for Republicans in 2010, after all.

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