Saturday, November 19, 2011

Last Call

Via BooMan, we learn that the myth of "President Obama's dwindling support from the people" is just that: a myth.

The sheer scale of small donations, totaling $56 million for Obama and his party, has surprised many Democratic strategists and fundraisers, who feared that a sour economy would make it difficult for Obama to raise money from disenchanted and cash-strapped voters.

A Washington Post analysis shows that nearly half of his campaign contributions, and a quarter of the money he has raised for the Democratic Party, has come from donors giving less than $200. That’s much higher than it was in 2008 and far beyond what the best-funded Republicans have managed.

Looks like the President continues to have broad support of regular people who are willing to put their money up to be heard, myself included.  I know, I know, but I thought Democrats were so over the President because he failed to stand with the people, right?

Gosh, you mean that the President continues to maintain support and even gain it compared to the GOP opposition, and that the people are rewarding the President's efforts with monetary support, even in this terrible economy, because they know what a Republican in the White House would mean?  And you mean people are not only quietly ignoring the foolish message of abstaining from voting, but are actively supporting the President with contributions?

Who would have guessed that, you know besides us stupid mofos who backed the President for solid reasons, a solid record, and knowledge that the long game is more important?

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