Saturday, November 12, 2011

The War Against Ourselves

The key component of any Republican argument is a tautology involving whatever it is they don't like being the greatest threat to our universe since the Weeping Angels.  As yesterday was Veteran's Day, at least one Republican from Tennessee has decided that the Big Bad threat is Muslims in our military.

State representative Rick Womick (R-TN) has made no secret of his anti-Muslim views. A New York Times article from July described Womick on the statehouse floor, warning his constituents that Islamic law was the most urgent threat to their way of life. But in an interview on the sidelines of the “Preserving Freedom Conference” at the Cornerstone Church in Madison, TN, Womick went to new extremes to paint Muslim Americans as dangerous and seditious.

Somebody's been watching too many episodes of Homeland.  Back to back.  While mainlining whatever Rick Perry's been on for the last month.

"Personally, I don’t trust one Muslim in our military because they’re commanded to lie to us through the term called Taqiyya. And if they truly are a devout Muslim, and follow the Quran and the Sunnah, then I feel threatened because they’re commanded to kill me."

I had no idea Mr. Womick here was a theological expert on the Muslim faith, not only able to interpret the Quran and its meaning, but able to divine Islam's tenets and their individual meaning to every one of our men and women serving in the military who are Muslim.  I mean his argument is "If you're a good Muslim, you'd be trying to kill me" seems, oh, what's the word I'm looking for?  Insanity to the point of a persecution complex that has probably already compromised his ability to effectively serve as Representative to his constituents, and that he should resign immediately after saying this?

But no, behavior like this is not only tolerated in the Republican Party, it's encouraged because it's a political plus with voters.  Ten yeas after 9/11 and they're still demanding the great purge of The Enemy from America.


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