Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Miracle

A young man was in a coma ever since an accident in October. His brain injuries were so extensive that the family had waited as long as they felt was reasonable and were considering organ donation so their beloved Sam would live on.

And then he woke up.

While confused about what actually helped him come back, the timing couldn't have been better. Sam had about seven days before his organs were harvested and given to patients on the wait list. Instead, when prompted he was able to hold up two fingers when asked, and is now walking around with the help of a walker. His speech is slow, but his ability to comprehend seems to be back at nearly full capacity. The best news of all, he is expected to make a full or nearly full recovery.

His neurosurgeon said there was no sign of the usual suspects for eternal coma, but given the extent of his injuries there was plenty of reason to believe Sam wasn't going to pull through. He had undergone surgery for an aneurysm that was deadly in itself, but was spared the strokes and specific injuries that erase all doubt. His doctor decided to give the family as much time as possible to see if he could beat the odds, and it's a great thing.

Sam's mother is grateful beyond words. "Nobody could ever give me a better Christmas present than this -- ever, ever, ever," she said to the reporter.

A young man is getting a second chance, a grieving mother is given what she asked for above everything else, and for one family Christmas is going to be pretty darn special.

May all of you have a good Christmas, and safe travels.

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