Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Dumbest Pizza-Related Story You Will Ever Read. Ever.

SMYRNA, Tenn. - For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around a slice of pizza some say resembled a gun.

Nicholas Taylor attends David Youree Elementary School in Smyrna, about 30 miles southeast of Nashville.

School leaders say the 10-year-old threatened other students at his lunch table with a piece of pizza with bites out of it so it looked like a gun and when asked about it was initially not truthful.

Nicholas' mother LeAnn calls her son's punishment "absolutely ridiculous" saying he was just playing around and never said anything derogatory or anything about shooting anyone.

"The kid across the table from him said it looked like a gun so he picked it up and started started shooting it in the air," she told Nashville's News 2 Investigates.

The school says they are just using an abundance of caution.  Abundance, my ass.  This is stupid.  What in the hell is "silent lunch" and why is a little boy punished for doing something totally normal for his age and stage of development?  Boys play.  You can't threaten someone's life a piece of pizza, no matter how hard you try (I may or may not have tried that once).  There seemed to be no attempt to explain to him why he might not want to do that, but the mother says they made it clear they would suspend him if there was a second episode.

I'm not done with this.  I'm just taking a break to gather my thoughts on so many problems in the article I linked to.  I'll start with an upcoming bit on silent lunches, something I had never heard of until this came up.  The preliminary searches aren't kind, but if this is really what it seems I'll have a lot to say about this.  I will then likely finish with yet another rant about zero tolerance stupidity.

Pizza.  Gun hand.  Ten-year-old boy.  Silent lunch.  Load of crap.

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