Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last Call

Mitt Romney knows that there's only a short step for Republican primary voters between calling for the deportation of President Obama's uncle to calling for the deportation of President Obama, and that's exactly why he's opening his mouth on this birther surrogacy issue.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Wednesday joined Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Steve King in making political hay out of the August arrest of President Barack Obama’s uncle on DUI charges.

Romney — who’s been getting hammered by Democrats over his “for Pete’s sake” response to a previous question on immigration — didn’t seem to know what Boston radio host Howie Carr was talking about when he brought up Onyango Obama’s arrest during an interview, ABC reports. “Who is Uncle Omar, Howie?” Romney asked.

Once Howie explained, Romney said “the answer is ‘yes.’”

“Well, if the laws of the United States say he should be deported, and I presume they do, then of course we should follow those laws,” Romney said, according to ABC. “And the answer is ‘yes.’”

He presumes of course, but it's not like he knows.  Nice one, Mitt.  Meanwhile, he keeps having to spend all his time bowing and begging to the nutjobs on the right who would basically deport everyone darker than Taylor Swift if they had their way.

Mitt Romney's a hack.

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