Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Favorite Time Of Year

So it's time to say goodbye to 2011. It was a good year, for the most part. It was one of the few times I not only met but exceeded my resolutions. That makes me want to up the ante a little, and list my resolutions here where I can compare them a year from now, the eve of 2013. You know, provided the world doesn't end or anything silly like that.

1. I will lose 30 pounds. Oh sure, we always have the weight goal to get out of the way. I'm keeping this modest, because a medicine change will make it likely that I will gain weight. This year I crossed the 100 lb mark, so to keep that off and make any movement towards a loss is a big deal.

2. I will submit no fewer than two query letters or article pitches each week. This is my attempt to increase my productivity in a measurable way. I usually go on benders of progress followed by valleys of Facebook laziness. I have made progress with baby steps, now it's time to be consistent. I will allow two weeks off to be cashed in as needed.

3. I will be published in four different publications. To make this possible, I will actually clarify this to mean accepted rather than published, because some mags publish six months after initial acceptance.

4. I will do one significant or three minor good deeds per month, done in total secret. The good deeds must be something that will actively make someone happier or better off, and I cannot claim any benefit from it but the good deed itself. I accomplished that last year, so to ramp up the difficulty, money cannot be involved directly and no more than ten dollars indirectly. I will have to be creative.

5. I will get through all the scales and test out on them. Meaning, my teacher can say any scale and I will be able to play it in tune, immediately, and instantly know what sharps and flats are part of that key signature. It will not only be a good practice technique, but it will help me master third and fifth position as well and free me up to work on my bowing. I am making a conscious effort to build my musical foundation in solid theory.

6. This year I want to dig into regional history. I will visit six museums or sites that tie into that theme. Fantastic Caverns and the Heavener Rune are among my intended destinations.

As a child I wasn't that into New Year's Day. It was an excuse to order pizza and stay up late. As an adult, I became less enchanted with religious and traditional holidays, and found the new year to be a really exciting thing. It's a chance to set new goals. It's a chance to drop any remaining baggage from the year before and make a clean break. I like the double-sided fun of celebrating the year I am putting to rest while looking forward to the one coming up.

Here's hoping you are all with us a year from now when we compare notes and look back on 2012.

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