Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Study Of Known Unknowns

John Hinderaker, whether on purpose or by complete accident, hits upon the major problem for Republicans going forward right now without Mr. 9-9-9 (emphasis mine):

What happened to Herman Cain is what the Democrats intend to do to whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be. They know they can’t win a debate on the economy or on President Obama’s record, so they will do everything they can to distract the voters’ attention from those matters, which should be decisive, and instead turn the focus to the GOP candidate and his or her alleged foibles. If Republican voters allow that to happen by nominating a candidate with baggage that permits the Democrats to turn him into the next Herman Cain, it is all too likely that President Obama will be re-elected, with consequences that can hardly be overestimated.

And exactly which candidate meets that criteria?  One Percent Huntsman?  Second Chance Palin?  Whatever position Mitt Romney is taking this week?  If there is a candidate that actually fits that description, Hinderaker doesn't mention who they are.

Perhaps that's because precisely none of the remaining contestants on "So You Think You Can Run The Country" here are anything more than the sums totals of their foibles and baggage, defined so completely as aggregate concretions of varying densities of suck.

If there was a Republican who could truly take on President Obama and win easily, would they be having essentially a completely open primary with the first House Speaker to face admonition for ethics violations as their current "top guy"?

I'm honestly curious as to whom Hinderaker is referring to, because I don't think they exist.

[UPDATE] What BooMan said

None of these candidates can unite the Republican Party. In fact, all of them will divide it in more or less devastating ways.

President Obama will win a second term precisely because of that.

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