Wednesday, December 14, 2011

StupidiNews! Oops Edition

The Marine Corps sent Purple Heart ornaments to folks who lost family members in the war.  A letter was written to the soldier as well.  An immediate apology and full acceptance of blame came in response to families who called. Out of 9,000 that were sent out, only about 1,500 were sent to the wrong families.  There isn't much else to say, all involved surely feel terrible.

Amazon is getting some really bad press after a move so bold you have to respect it even if it's evil.  If you went into a local bookstore and scanned a book and then purchased it at Amazon, you got 5% off.  It's dirty pool but it is inevitable that this war must happen.  Online shopping and retail stores have been fairly civil until now.  While "distasteful" according to the author of the article, it will eventually produce results the customers want and therefore will be successful.  The article also points out bookstores are lousy, inefficient and offer little outside of atmosphere.  That's mostly true, but I'm one of those people who likes to browse and flip through pages, and I can see the conflict between bare bones efficiency and the experience of wandering and the guilty pleasure of wandering the aisles and skimming with wild abandon.

Missouri discovers that at least seven prisoners were able to successfully collect unemployment benefits.  One guy tried and failed, which led to a new process that ran a check against prisoners.  Several inmates were successful, but will now have to pay the money back.  The total is estimated at $14,000.  They came thisclose to getting away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.

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