Monday, January 23, 2012

Illinois Catches Missouri's Cold

Illinois citizens may have to provide identification and be listed in a database so they don't buy too much cold medicine, and perhaps contribute to meth production.

It's the dumbest thing in the world.  I can say this from experience, because Missouri's been doing this for a long time.  Zero good has come from it.  Now, our state wants us to get a prescription for over the counter medicine as a secondary measure, because this database is a fail.  Except for collecting information, that is.

If the people of Illinois can't squash this, they face a long spiral of stupidity.  We call that a StupidiSpiral around these parts.  First, someone is going to make a lot of money installing systems and designing the database.  Then the stores raise prices to compensate for the pain in the ass that has become Sudafed. The state will say prescriptions are the next logical step, ignoring why we have over the counter medicines in the first damn place. Now poor people (or uninsured) who can't afford a doctor visit now can't afford basic relief because someone might use it to make meth.

There is no gray area here.  Law enforcement: do your jobs, and stop putting innocent people through harassment to have access to a perfectly legal substance.  Government: know your limits and for once respect them.  It's wrong to have people give their personal information to have access to cold medicine.  This is asinine and backfires on the vulnerable and the ill.

Idiots, all of them.

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