Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Special Place In Hell, A Special Place In Heaven

And once in a while you read something so hideous in the news that it changes your whole day.  This was one of those for me.  I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I don't know when it will finally be filed in a part of my brain that won't cause me pain.

A baby found on a doorstep in freezing weather has died.  Her age was estimated between newborn and a month old.  She was left outside a residence, naked and partically covered by a thin towel.  She was left to freeze to death.  When she was discovered by a man walking, he brought her into his home and called 911.  Her skin color was already reflecting her slow death.  But he tried, and gave his best.  Emmanuel Dugger is a hero.

There are amnesty programs where parents can drop off babies they cannot care for.  This child was left to the elements for anyone to find.  She could have just as easily been food for a hungry animal or a toy for a predator.  I bet whoever left her to die was warm that night.  I bet they had food.  I bet they didn't die from the selfishness or thoughtlessness of another.  I hope the person who abandoned her feels a tenth of the agony they caused.  It wouldn't make it right, but it would be a hell of a start.

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