Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ten Years Of Gitmo

Guantanamo Bay has been used to house terrorists for ten years now, and the White House still insists President Obama wants to close the facility.  The problem is of course that there's barely a member of Congress alive that agrees with that, much less one will stand for putting a prison full of terrorists in their district and state.

“The commitment that the president has to closing Guantanamo Bay is as firm today as it was during the (2008) campaign,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

“We are all are aware of the obstacles to getting that done as quickly as the president wanted to get it done … but the president’s commitment hasn’t changed at all.”

Carney said that Obama, top national security officials and senior members of the military still believed that closing Guantanamo was in US interests.

“We will continue to abide by that commitment and work towards its fulfillment,” he said.

Given staunch opposition to closing the camp at the US base in southeastern Cuba, and pressures of election year politics, there does not appear to be a viable route to closing Guantanamo in the near future.

That's putting it mildly.  And yet there are people who will stay home and not vote for President Obama because he can't make Congress do his bidding on closing Gitmo.  Kinda funny that way.  They're the same folks who complain that President Obama is an imperial leader with too much power in the executive branch, and then scream he won't do an end run around Congress.

Hey folks, if Romney's elected, do you think he'll close Gitmo?

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