Thursday, February 2, 2012

Last Call

Orange Julius apparently objects on Constitutional grounds to requiring institutions linked to religious groups to make birth control available to women under employee insurance plans.  Apparently Boehner's logic is "because none of the Founding Fathers were black, the fact that President Obama is doing anything clearly violates the highest law of the land."

The mandate, authorized under the Affordable Care Act, holds that employer-provided health insurance plans must provide birth control to women without co-pays. Houses of worship are exempt, and religious nonprofits are allowed an additional year before they begin complying. But conservative religious organizations and their allies on Capitol Hill say that’s not enough.

“I think this mandate violates our constitution,” Boehner told reporters on Thursday. “I think it violates the right of these religious organizations. And I would hope that the administration would back up and take another look.”

Can you tell it's an election year?   I'll tell you what, Boehner has a deal if churches across the country lose their tax exempt status.  Otherwise, I don't want to hear it.  Either that or do your duty, Mr. Speaker: if you believe the President is violating the Constitution, let's see your Articles of Impeachment.

Otherwise, shut it.

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