Friday, February 3, 2012

Last Call

Unemployment numbers improved again last month, with January coming in at +243,000 jobs and the unemployment rate falling to 8.3%.  That's good news for the country and for President Obama, so the Republicans like Rep. Eric Cantor are immediately moving the goalposts again and continuing to assault the President on his "failure to create jobs"...and of course taking all the credit for the growth.

In Cantor’s Friday statement, he continued to press the GOP message that the government stands in the way of economic growth in the private sector.

“We need bold, pro-growth policies that reduce red tape and will help our nation's small businesses to succeed, expand and create new jobs. Small businesses are the backbone of America, generating more than half of the new jobs in our country.”

Cantor also lobbed a back-handed compliment at the president, saying the president was “finally” beginning to embrace the GOP’s initiatives to help small businesses.

“This week, President Obama finally acknowledged the need to help small businesses, offering many of the same proposals the House passed last year that help small businesses access capital and ease tax and regulatory burdens. But we should think bigger.” 

Yeah, that's the guy who blocked the American Jobs Act and every other piece of jobs legislation the President and the Dems put forth now taking credit "for what the House passed".  Which was, if you recall, loaded with all kinds of other things like massive cuts to social programs and making the tax cuts on the rich permanent.

This GOP-led House has done precisely nothing, and now they are taking credit for the improving jobs picture.  Awesome.

But one has to ask, how much pressure does this put on Cantor and the House GOP if the economy improves despite the Republicans blocking anything remotely helpful to the economy?  Suddenly they're in a lot of trouble.  And they know it.

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