Friday, February 3, 2012

Mitch Turtles Up, Part 3

So, as a registered and voting constituent of Sen. Mitch McConnell, I'm shocked I tell you -- shocked! -- that his 2010 promise to limit President Obama to one term was indeed the entirety of not only his legislative agenda so far but if he has his way, the entirety of his party's 2012 campaign platform as well.

With no nominee yet to spell out the party’s agenda, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is locked in a behind-the-scenes debate with other Republicans over their strategy for winning back power.

The divide within the party is sharp. McConnell and other influential senators believe the party should avoid putting out a detailed platform and focus squarely on Obama’s record, while a range of junior senators — and some veterans like Sen. John McCain — think the conference should lay out a “Contract with America” type agenda. Others like Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) want to more aggressively push House Republican bills in order to speak with one voice coming out of Congress.

In other words, the guy in charge of the Republican filibuster machine in the Senate is not only freely admitting his party exists right now to block the President's agenda, but that the American people will simply go along with that as the party's platform.  Vote for the Republicans!  You don't really give a good goddamn about your country or the people running it, as long as it's not Melanin McKenyanmuslim.

It's not just that McConnell is apparently admitting that the GOP has no ideas for government, it's that government doesn't have to have ideas at all.  All he's offering is reactionary bilge.  All that matters is NOBAMA.  That's it.  That's the entire McConnell plan.  Obama Derangement Syndrome.

If I wasn't dedicated to his defeat in 2014 before, I ever now.

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