Thursday, February 9, 2012

Orange Julius, Over His Head

House Speaker John Boehner is picking a fight he won't win, vowing to force the President to overturn his decision to require insurance companies to provide birth control to women, and going against the will of the American people.

“If the president does not reverse the Department’s attack on religious freedom, then the Congress, acting on behalf of the American people and the Constitution we are sworn to uphold and defend, must,” Boehner said. “This attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country cannot stand, and will not stand.”

The Speaker said the House would take matters into its own hands with committee hearings and legislative action to push back if the administration declines to act.

“In the days ahead, the House will approach this matter fairly and deliberately, through regular order and the appropriate legislative channels,” Boehner said. He called on the Energy & Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the issue, to take steps against the rule and “consider all possible options.”

Translation:  Gentlemen, we just found our new hostage for the payroll tax cut!  Only...the support might not be there for Johnny.

Pro-choice Republicans are begging their party to drop this fight over contraception before it’s too late. Turning to a discussion about access to birth control will be nothing short of a disaster, they say.

The new and unexpected war over contraception may not end up as only a battle between the White House and the Republican party. It could end up as a fight between the GOP and itself. As we saw during the 2011’s push to defund Planned Parenthood — when some Republican Senators rebuked their colleagues in the House for attacking the organization — Republicans on Capitol Hill do not speak with one voice on matters of women’s health. Now, as Speaker John Boehner seemingly prepares to turn the House GOP’s attention to contraception, pro-choice Republicans are warning that the GOP may become the next Komen For The Cure.

The Tea Party wing of the GOP is counting on it, I'd say.  "Sorry ladies, you can have birth control or your payroll tax cut.  And we're making that choice for you!"

By all means, GOP, continue to drive younger, secular women into the voting booth for President Obama.

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