Monday, February 20, 2012

Same Song, 1,390,203,128th Verse

Just doing a current events recap, the same recycled stupidity but proving Bachmann will keep talking long after she stops making sense.

(CNN) - Former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Sunday railed against critics who say the recent birth control controversy reflects a Republican Party that holds suppressive views toward women.

“There is no anti-women move whatsoever. The Republican Party is extremely pro-women,” Bachmann said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “What we saw was President Obama's signature piece of legislation, which is ‘Obamacare,’ demonstrated 3-D.”

Well, there you have it women. We're just imagining that our lives are being controlled and scrutinized by the GOP.  We've been told by "one of our own" that there's nothing going on here, move along now. Of course, she's still too blind to realize she was a puppet, but she is still smart enough to feel okay telling us to trust the guys fighting to make women answer for their private lives.

“The 3-D full-court demonstration is that now ‘Obamacare’ means that one individual, the president of the United States, has unprecedented breathtaking authority to make a decision about whatever health care service, whatever health care product, if he wants it offered or not offered,” Bachmann told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley.

What. The. Hell. Is she even thinking before she speaks? Or is this stupidity just to meet some sort of contractual obligation to work the word "Obamacare" into any conversation on camera? She's against one guy trying to say women get a choice and a voice, but is totally okay with an entire league of controlling bastards eroding our rights and punishing women for taking advantage of legal services. She points out that Obama wants to protect choice, and with a straight face warns us he is overstepping himself. Maybe she's a closed Dem, because with friends like her speaking out, they don't need another enemy.

If they do though, Herman Cain still has some free time.

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