Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Swing And A Miss: Strike Two

They were close to figuring it out, and then they just freaking missed.

Headline: Mom warns of energy drink dangers after boy falls out of car

The article is very short and can be read here. The basics are that a 13-year-old boy drank alcohol mixed with an energy drink and jumped out of a car, leading to his death.  No charges will be pressed against the poor driver, who was unable to defeat physics and will carry that nightmare for life.

Here's where it takes an even more alarming turn for the stupid:

"This drink is illegal and way too powerful for kids," she told The Baltimore Sun. "They all think they are invincible, but this shows them they are not."
Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler has made it clear something more needs to be done about alcohol-packed energy drinks.

Excuse the hell out of me, but am I the only one that thinks the person who supplied the kid with alcohol is guilty, and that there are several people who have some explaining to do?  What state was this boy in before he jumped?  How did he get the alcohol?  What did his parents know about what he was doing and who he was with?

It's too easy to blame the energy drink and ignore the other facts.  A 13-year-old was drinking, riding around in a car with others, and nobody seems to want to tell how it all came to his jumping from a moving vehicle.  I hope somebody digs a little deeper.

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