Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ancient Relics Stolen

As a writer and lover of history, I am always looking for ways to tie history and real events together.  Writers have a bag of tricks for when they get stuck, usually bringing in religion for an touch of the mystical, stolen relics that can be combined for some greater purpose, and a conspiracy that brings them all in.  You don't have to look any further than The DaVinci Code for an example.

It was kind of strange to read about some of the recent thefts from churches all around.  Dublin's Christ Church Cathedral has held the heart of St. Laurence O'Toole, the patron saint of Ireland.  Saturday it was noticed missing, though nobody can give a good estimate of when it was taken.

Pieces of the cross that Jesus was crucified on were stolen, found and returned, with no arrests.  Other relics have been taken, and not all are recovered.

Is this coincidence?  It seems strange that all of a sudden these items are targeted.  In a time when money is tight, sentimental value would seem uncertain.  Unless, of course, someone very wealthy was bankrolling the movement towards some ultimate goal.  The fiction writer in me is hooked, I confess.

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