Monday, March 12, 2012

Egypt Clears Doc In "Virginity Test" Issue

This is a follow-up from when women who were at a  protest in Egypt were forcibly given virginity tests last year.  The case got a lot of attention, but the judge just cleared the doctor based on inconsistencies in what witnesses said.  Right before court, some witnesses for the women mysteriously and suddenly decided to change their testimony.  So once upon a time, these people were willing to support the women's account, and now have decided they do not.

Originally, they tried to deny it ever happened, but a senior officer finally admitted it did.  Hey, how's that for an inconsistency?  They outright lied about it happening, but now they know it did.  Yet a judge's conscience directed him to clear the man.  A second betrayal for these women, who were hoping for justice.

It has been determined to be illegal as a result of this incident.  They know it happened.  The man responsible was cleared and several witnesses all decide to change their statements at the last minute.  No, that doesn't seem fishy at all, does it?

Also, just for a final reminder, don't forget the entire reason they were tested is because if they were not virgins, they were sluts who brought this on themselves.  Women are responsible for their rape, because they were clearly asking for it and allowed it to happen.  Honor killings somehow make it right by killing the woman who was a victim of rape.  Then I had a chilling thought: as crazy as it sounds, our own government is moving in that direction as well.

According to many candidates and people currently serving, if you are a woman in America and have sex outside of marriage, you are a sinner and don't deserve some medical benefits, the right to make your own medical choices, and now don't always have the right for full medical disclosure from your own doctor.  I love my doctor, I think he is a great fella.  However, I don't want his opinion to override mine as to whether I am capable of making a personal medical choice.  Yet that is what some women are facing, and more will surely follow.

This morning, I find myself equally horrified on behalf of the women who had five minutes of probing and leering and betrayal by their courts, and concern for women here, who are finding their rights and legal standing subject to the whim of political posturing.  At this point, I am fully convinced that Roy Blunt, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have had a conference call and said in utter disbelief, "holy crap, it worked!  Forreals!  Inorite?!  Hey, what can we try next?"

We gotta cap this stupidity, and do it fast, and be a positive example for a change.

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