Monday, March 19, 2012

Meanwhile The GOP Message...

The GOP message is now the Puritopian message:  the recovery's just not good enough, so let's throw it all away because clearly Obama has failed us.

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, a heralded Republican strategist, offered up yet more evidence Sunday that the GOP is coalescing around a 2012 message along the lines of: the economy is improving but it could be much better.

"The American people are being told by the news media, by the liberal media elite, how great the economy is. Well the economy is not great out in America," Barbour said on ABC's This Week. "Maybe it's gotten a little better but it kind of reminds me of an old country song from my youth -- the lyrics were, I've been down so long it looks like up to me now."

"So yeah, we've had some improvement on jobs, but we need a lot more," he added.

And the only way to get "a lot more" is to hand the government over to the GOP that created the financial meltdown and Great Recession in the first place.   Brilliant.  Except that's exactly what the whiners on the left are saying...the same message that the GOP is now rallying around in order to defeat President Obama.

When your message is unceasingly how President Obama has failed us, but you're willing as a "progressive" to accept the "short term pain" of a GOP takeover of the government, you're not a progressive.  Binary worldviews are indeed terrible, but guess what?  Voting is binary: either the D or the R wins.  If you're not with the D's...what does that make you?

You're a Republican.  And you're the problem.

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