Thursday, March 15, 2012

Men Of Honor, Men Of Valor

Republicans don't want to play by the rules anymore if it means they're going to lose, and they're pretty much thinking they're going to lose.  Ergo, time to cheat.

Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives are ready to break a hard-fought budget deal with Democrats as they try to quell a revolt by conservatives who are insisting on deeper spending cuts ahead of the November elections.

House Republican aides said on Tuesday that House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor were pressing for a modest $19 billion reduction of discretionary spending caps in this year's Republican budget plan.

The August 2011 deal to end a summer debt limit drama - which nearly prompted a first-ever default on U.S. Treasury debt - called for a $1.047 trillion cap on discretionary spending for fiscal 2013. Conservative House Republicans last week launched an effort to reduce that amount by as much as $116 billion, presenting Boehner a new leadership challenge.

But even the $1.028 trillion compromise figure that Boehner and Cantor were insisting that members in the Republican-controlled House support would cause problems with spending bills later this year, Republican aides said.

So yeah, if the last resort to scuttle the economy and cost President Obama his job means a government shutdown that pretty much blows a hole in the recovery and plunges us back off the cliff, then hey, Republicans are just going to have to break their word.  Them's the breaks, America. Sometimes you just gotta put the Kenyan Usurper in his place, and you gotta break some eggs to do it.


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