Sunday, March 11, 2012

Radio-Free Rush

Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan have an op-ed at CNN calling for Rush Limbaugh's firing.  Needless to say, the wingers are going completely ballistic.

If Clear Channel won't clean up its airways, then surely it's time for the public to ask the FCC a basic question: Are the stations carrying Limbaugh's show in fact using their licenses "in the public interest?"

Spectrum is a scarce government resource. Radio broadcasters are obligated to act in the public interest and serve their respective communities of license. In keeping with this obligation, individual radio listeners may complain to the FCC that Limbaugh's radio station (and those syndicating his show) are not acting in the public interest or serving their respective communities of license by permitting such dehumanizing speech.

The FCC takes such complaints into consideration when stations file for license renewal. For local listeners near a station that carries Limbaugh's show, there is plenty of evidence to bring to the FCC that their station isn't carrying out its public interest obligation. Complaints can be registered under the broadcast category of the FCC website:

This isn't political. While we disagree with Limbaugh's politics, what's at stake is the fallout of a society tolerating toxic, hate-inciting speech. For 20 years, Limbaugh has hidden behind the First Amendment, or else claimed he's really "doing humor" or "entertainment." He is indeed constitutionally entitled to his opinions, but he is not constitutionally entitled to the people's airways.

It's time for the public to take back our broadcast resources. Limbaugh has had decades to fix his show. Now it's up to us.

My main question is where these fine ladies were on Rush 20 years ago when he was going after Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, or a decade ago going after Al Gore, or even five years ago when he was singing songs about Barack Obama "The Magic Negro."  But apparently going after a white female Georgetown law student was the last straw for El Rushbo, go figure.

The tidal wave of invective coming from the right this morning about Fonda and Steinem especially is as bad, if not worse than what Rush has been saying on the air lately.  The difference?  Rush is bleeding advertisers and he's scared.  The entire right is scared.  And they're lashing out.

If Rush goes down, all bets are off on what the unhinged wingers do next.

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