Sunday, March 4, 2012


All those programs for the elderly that are failing are affecting an ever-growing number of citizens.  There are dozens of examples of programs from little local aid to Medicaid that are dying or working at lower capcacity.  While the "corporations are people too" bullshit is the GOP's best defense for their priorities, real people are going without.

People like Fannie Wilson.

Fannie is 69-year-old Texan who got sick and had a hard streak of luck.  Her finances were so tight that when she sprung a leak and could not afford to fix it, she turned her own water off and lived that way for six long years.  She didn't stay at home often, and her house was full of jugs that of water she collected from other places.  She took the occasional bath at a friend or relative's house.  Six years she went without running water.  Millions of people live in that "one small disaster away from bankruptcy" state, and when the inevitable small disaster happens this is the result.

Wilson got help and now has running water.  She can enjoy a drink in the middle of the night, and flush her toilet with wild abandon.  She was nearly evicted from her home because it is illegal to live in a residence without running water (that whole necessary for life thing being the primary reason).  Thank goodness a small charity was able to help her fix the leak and restore the service.

I hope we all think of Fannie when we hear arguments that we have to slash services for citizens at the expense of big business.  Most of us will likely find ourselves there someday.

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