Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

It's one of the fastest routes to national prominence as a Republican congressional candidate:  pick any President Obama policy point in his agenda and then publicly call him un-American and worse for even thinking about it.

And now, Gentle Readers, it’s time for another edition of Tea Party Republicans Say the Darnedest Things. On Thursday, April 19 at a Tea Party rally in Lamoni, Iowa, Think Progress reports that Republican Congressional candidate Dan Dolan declared that President Obama’s support of the so-called “Buffett Rule” is proof that he “does not love” the United States of America.

It is Dolan’s contention, apparently, that the president is using public support of the Buffett Rule, named for billionaire Warren Buffett, an adjustment designed to bring tax rates on millionaires in line with the rates normal citizens pay, as a wedge issue to divide the country against itself.

Dolan said, “I have a hard time thinking that he loves this country if he’s willing to turn them against themselves for his own advancement.” 

Public opinion polling shows that the Buffett Rule enjoys a wide margin of support among American citizens, with 72 percent in favor, including 53 percent of Republicans. 

Which of course means that only the 27 percent (There's that number again!) who disagree with the Buffett Rule are the real Americans, and the rest of us are Kenyan Colonialist Socialist traitors, including the majority of GOP voters who agree with the rule. Never mind that Reagan, Bush the first, AND Bush the Second would have been kicked out of the party for their stance on taxes if they were running today.  Hence, Mitt Romney, who will literally lie and say anything to gain power.

It's getting tiresome, this projection.

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