Sunday, April 1, 2012

Breaking News

All the major news sources have broken the following:

People have decided to be kind to each other. Very scientific polls have indicated that regardless of religion, age or sexual orientation, we have become more tolerant and display more goodwill. Isolated problems still (and always will) exist, but overall people have understood that the bullying mentality is wrong. Every single time. Even when they believe or look differently than you do.

After finally realizing that gay citizens are still citizens, all states decided to honor an adult's choice to live how they please. Gay marriage will be recognized, and actually improves society because every single person is treated with dignity and fairness under law.

Women's rights were upheld today as they were recognized as citizens, too. The federal government stepped in and said that a woman's right to medical information should be protected. They also decided it is a direct ethical violation for a doctor to withhold or lie to a patient. It was also decided that gender is no reason to pay a person less, so businesses will be required to pay women and men the same amount when the duties and responsibilities are the same.

April Fool's!

But here's hoping for the day when we can report these things for real. Keep dreaming, in the face of this stupidity, our vision of a better world is the only driving force we have to make it reality.

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