Monday, April 9, 2012

The Funda-Mitt-al Problem With Romney

Melissa Harris-Perry takes a look at why Mitt Romney can't connect with voters along with her panel.  They spend a good 20 minutes or so on the subject, but the answer's really easy.

Hey Professor?  Mitt Romney is an inveterate liarPeriod, full stop, end of analysis.  It has nothing to do with his Mormon faith, or his bland personality, or even his wealth, really.  It has everything to do with the fact he can't tell the truth to save his own campaign, especially when that truth has anything to do with President Barack Obama.

Here's a thought.  Have a chat with your colleague Rachel Maddow, who at least has the decency to call Mitt Romney what he is: a liar.  Have her come on the show, and ask her about Mitt.  Because 20 minutes of trying to show me Mitt Romney isn't so bad is the reason I turned off the MHP show after the first half hour.

It really isn't that complicated.

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