Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hold Your Horses, Now

Gay rights organizations are criticizing President Obama for his refusal to sign an executive order forbidding federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Obama aides delivered the message to gay rights groups yesterday, saying they want Congress to pass an anti-discrimination law.
"Our organizers and activists are really angry about this," said Heather Cronk, managing director of a civil rights group called GetEqual. "It's really worrisome that the White House is not taking a stand on this."
Okay, the strategy makes sense.  Obama is about to campaign, so it's a good time to pressure and ask questions.  Everyone knows this is a hot button, with Republicans taking a loud stance against gay rights and Dems afraid to touch the subject in some cases.

But guys, give Obama the benefit of the doubt, and if you want to help the cause give him a bit of space.  If he wins a second term and has nothing to fear, I have zero doubt that he is going to put some stupidity in its place. To the utmost of his ability, he has already shown he is in favor of fair treatment and choice for people whenever possible.  By pushing the issue it could force him into arguments that could actually backfire.  Because let's face it, Obama is the best shot many groups have of representation.  Right now it makes sense for him to do his best to prepare for stage two.

After seeing how Republicans attacked him for every single decision he made, in some instances it is simply better that he play it safe.  He has shown no animosity or lack of respect for gays or women, so it's time for us to rally behind him and let him know we're there.  He may not be perfect, but he tries.  He's the best chance we have of climbing out of this mess.

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