Thursday, April 5, 2012

Last Call

I bet you didn't know President Obama's greatest feat of Kenyan Socialist Witch Doctor voodoo so far this campaign season was mind-controlling the WaPo's Chris Cillizza to write this.

In what was a defining speech of his 2012 reelection campaign, Obama repeatedly called out Ryan and Republicans for their “laughable” approach to deficit reduction, describing the budget plan put forward by the Wisconsin Republican as a “Trojan horse”. Added Obama: “Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly veiled social Darwinism.”

Them’s fighting words. And, they make clear that a major part of Obama’s strategy heading toward November is to make Ryan — and the budget plans he has proposed in each of the last two years — famous or, more accurately, infamous. (Make sure to read Ezra Klein’s smart piece on Obama’s efforts to elevate Ryan.)

Knowing now that Obama is going to go all-out on the Ryan plan, it makes an increasing amount of sense for Romney to not only fully embrace the plan (as he has done) but to fully embrace the man too.

It’s not hard to imagine this thought in Romney headquarters this morning: You want to make the Ryan plan the centerpiece of this campaign? Fine. Game on. That’s a fight we want.


OK, let me start again, I should really take the idea of a Romney/Paul ticket seri--BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Do it, Mittens.  Forever make this about the bland CEO who made a killing firing American workers and cashing in their companies out from under them and team him up with the bland government wonk who wants to makes a killing adding a profit margin to Grandma's health care plan and tossing millions off of food stamps and Medicaid.  Do it now, for all the Reasons.

Obama would win by 20 points.  Republicans cannot be this stupid.

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